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LINeRASE - The revolution of collagen 


LINERASE is a class III medical device for skin bio-stimulation. The properties of this medical device work and become part of the fibroblastic cellular mechanism, stimulating an intense production of new active fibroblasts with consequent production of collagen. This particular feature proves fundamental in the field of Aesthetic Medicine. LINERASE Collagen has been used for almost 30 years in the healing of skin ulcers, bedsores and post-operative wounds. LINERASE is a safe product, no side effects have been reported and does not induce allergic reactions.

For whom is LINeRASE?


If you have visible signs of ageing in any area, a course of LINERASE collagen injections are worthy of consideration. Once the treatment course is complete, you will notice a marked difference in the elasticity and density of your skin. The results generally last from twelve to eighteen months, which varies from person to person; in some cases, improvements are long-lasting.

LINERASE collagen treatments for the skin not only enhance its elasticity and suppleness, they also increase your confidence and boost your self-image. Feeling good about the way we look has been proven to lift our mood, renew our energy levels and attract positive attention from those around you!

Treatment areas:

Ideal for rapidly improving the skin texture, texture and color of the following areas:

  • Face

  • Neck

  • Neckline

  • Hands

  • other body regions with scars, cellulite and stretch marks

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Content and Application:

1x sterile vial à 100mg

The preparation is performed with 4.5ml saline solution and 0.5ml lidocaine. The resulting 5ml ready-to-use solution is then mixed with the dry delivered powder and the desired amount is taken from the ampoule and injected with a 30G needle at a distance of 2cm into the previously cleaned areas to be treated.


LINERASE must be brought in suspension immediately before use, in w.f.i., in the ratio of 100 mg collagen/5 ml w.f.i. Once you get the suspension, the product must be used immediately and any residue should be discarded. The device is disposable and single patient use. The product is administered through intradermal infiltration. Using needles from 30 G 4mm to 30 G 12 mm. The intradermal infiltration can only be performed by physicians. LINERASE is indicated for a stimulation of fibroblasts with formation of neo endogenous collagen as a new tissue filling.


This device must be injected into the dermis or the mucous membrane of the lips by a licensed physician in accordance with local applicable regulations. The technical skill of the doctor is essential for the success of the treatment, and the device should be used by physicians who have received training specific to the injection technique for fillers. After the injection, it is important to massage the treated area in order toensure a uniform distribution of the product.


Use normal precautions for intradermal infiltration. The product is hypoallergenic. There are no reported side effects.

Contact us for the collection and price list. 


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Ivo Teixeira - FRA | ENG | PT | ES | DE

+352 661 363 226


Anna Ådahl - ENG | RUS | FIN | SWE

+352 661 389 457

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